Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers

October 26, 1984

On October 26, 1984, the Philadelphia Tribune carried a story on the Women’s Vote Project, a coalition of seventy-five national women’s organizations that registered 1.8 million voters before the 1984 election. “The nine-month effort to register new women voters represents an unparalleled phenomenon during this election year, and the numbers are still coming in,” said Joanne Howes, Women’s Vote Project executive director. Howes played an important role in encouraging the Democratic Party to select Geraldine Ferraro as the vice presidential candidate in 1984. The article concluded by noting that “registering large numbers of lower-income, female heads of household, and young, working women—white, Black, Hispanics, Asian and Native American—is a vital part of the Women’s Vote Project.”

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