Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers

August 11, 1964

On August 11, 1964, the Philadelphia Tribune reported on the funeral of Andrew Goodman, a civil rights worker who, along with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner, was murdered in Mississippi. The mothers of all three young men attended Goodman’s funeral. Rabbi Arthur J. Lelyveld of Cleveland was the main eulogist. “There are two levels to our grief today, and paradoxically the two are one,” Lelyveld told the mourners. “First and foremost we grieve for a precious individual. A rare blend of tenderness and manliness marked his unfolding years. But the tragedy of Andy Goodman cannot be separated from the tragedy of mankind. Along with James Chaney and Michael Schwerner he has become the eternal evocation of all the host of beautiful young men and women who are carrying forward the struggle for which they gave their lives.”

For a brief overview of the case, see PBS’s “Murder in Mississippi.” The Atlantic’s Juleyka Lantigua-Williams’s reported in June 2016 that the Mississippi attorney general officially stopped investigating the murders.

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