12019-03-12T23:56:20+00:00Stanford University Pressaf84c3e11fe030c51c61bbd190fa82a3a1a1282413plainpublished2019-08-21T10:33:40+00:00AnonymousOn June 20, 1935, the Cleveland Call and Post ran a full-page advertisement for Crosley electric refrigerators. “Most of Cleveland’s Colored Housewives are Buying Crosley’s,” the ad informed readers. General Electric introduced electric home refrigerators in 1911, but the ad noted that these appliances were still a luxury item in 1935. “Look in the finest kitchens in the land—kitchens where price doesn’t matter. There you will find the Shelvador...bought for Pride as well as for Price. There it is the beauty spot that meets the modern idea of Convenience, Quality, and Value” (click to view PDF of advertisement).
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12019-03-12T23:56:45+00:00Stanford University Pressaf84c3e11fe030c51c61bbd190fa82a3a1a12824June - Archived PostsAnonymous9plainpublished2019-08-27T02:03:05+00:00Anonymous