12019-03-12T23:56:19+00:00Stanford University Pressaf84c3e11fe030c51c61bbd190fa82a3a1a1282413plainpublished2019-08-21T18:14:59+00:00AnonymousOn September 18, 1954, the Norfolk Journal and Guideran an advertisement telling readers, “It’s Your Newspaper...And it’s the only mirror of the activities of the human family that records your individual history from the cradle to the grave.” The ad promised to cover Norfolk’s black residents across several life stages, including birth, nursery school, elementary school, armed forces, professions, industry, high school or college, business, marriage and home life, and in retirement. “Even when the ‘final summons’ comes, there is a last report in Your Newspaper,” the ad concluded (click to view ad PDF).
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12019-03-12T23:56:45+00:00Stanford University Pressaf84c3e11fe030c51c61bbd190fa82a3a1a12824September - Archived PostsAnonymous7plainpublished2019-08-27T17:56:35+00:00Anonymous