12019-03-12T23:58:02+00:00Stanford University Pressaf84c3e11fe030c51c61bbd190fa82a3a1a1282413plainpublished2019-08-21T17:54:13+00:00AnonymousOn September 15, 1906, the Baltimore Afro-American reported that the United States was ready to intervene again in Cuba. This was the start of the Second Occupation of Cuba, which lasted until 1909. “President Roosevelt is keenly alive to the progress of the revolutionary movement in Cuba and the responsibility of the United States in case the conditions grow worse and the intervention becomes necessary,” the Afro-American noted. “It is known that the President will not intervene unless it appears absolutely necessary, yet steps have been taken which would make such intervention effective. The ships that have been sent to Cuba are there for the purpose only of protecting American interests and furnishing asylum for Americans who may be in danger from the warring factions.” The article quoted from the Platt Amendment which gave the U.S. authority to intervene in Cuba.