Black Quotidian: Everyday History in African-American Newspapers

April 7, 1959

On April 7, 1959, the Philadelphia Tribune ran an advertisement for Lydia Pinkham Tablets to reduce menopausal pain. “Imagine Being Happy During Change-of-Life!,” the ad began. “Thousands of women now go ‘smiling through’ those trying years—without awful suffering from ‘hot flashes,’ tension!” Lydia Pinkham was a well-known nineteenth-century entrepreneur, who marketed a “Vegetable Compound” women’s tonic and other products designed to reduce menstrual and menopausal pain. While Pinkham died in 1883, products bearing her name were advertised in the Tribune from the 1930s through 1960s. Here are a few examples:

January 18, 1934

March 1, 1934

April 12, 1934

October 14, 1952

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